Ethical code of Corex S.p.A.
Since its inception, Corex has been committed to founding its business on strong human values and solid principles.
This Code expresses the company's ethical commitments and responsibilities in the context of its activities with customers and within the company's internal activities with regard to its Employees and Collaborators. The commitments and ethical responsibilities of Corex through this Code are aimed at creating satisfaction for its customers and professional growth for Employees and Collaborators.
In carrying out its activities, Corex acts in compliance with the principles of freedom, dignity of the human person and respect for diversity, repudiates any discrimination based on sex, race, language, personal and social conditions, religious and political beliefs . Corex intends to build its growth by consolidating a faithful image to values of fairness and loyalty, in every process of daily work.
To this end, Corex favors a work environment that, inspired by respect, fairness and collaboration, allows the involvement and empowerment of Employees and Collaborators, with regard to the specific objectives to be achieved and the means to pursue them.
The present Code of Ethics has therefore been set up with the aim of clearly defining the set of values that Corex recognizes, accepts and shares.
General Provisions
Scope of application and Recipients
Article 1
1.1 The principles and provisions of this Code of Ethics (hereinafter the "Code") are specifications of the general obligations of diligence, correctness and loyalty, which qualify the performance of work performance and behavior in the workplace.
1.2 The principles and provisions of the Code are binding for Corex administrators, employees and collaborators. The Directors, Employees and Collaborators are hereinafter referred to jointly as "Recipients".
1.3 The Code will be brought to the attention of third parties who receive assignments from Corex or who have stable or temporary relations with it.
Information and dissemination
Article 2
2.1 The Company carries out its business with honesty and integrity and in compliance with the ethical and moral principles contained in this Code. The Recipients must therefore comply with the principles of behavior of this Code.
2.2 Corex shall inform all Recipients of the provisions and application of the Code, recommending their observance. In particular, it provides:
the dissemination of the Code to the Recipients; updating the provisions of the Code with regard to the needs that may be expressed from time to time.
Internal communication
Article 3
3.1 It is Corex's policy to promote the circulation of information and the creation of interpersonal communication processes in the company. The communications that the Company intends to develop internally must be understood as communications "from" management but also "to" management, as well as "between" functions and businesses.
3.2 The task of favoring and developing communication flows is therefore entrusted to the responsibility of each collaborator, according to the specific skills and role held in the company, and particularly to the company management.
Article 4
4.1 Every operation and / or transaction, understood in the broadest sense of the term, must be legitimate, authorized, coherent, congruous, documented, recorded and verifiable at any time.
4.2 Employees and entities that make purchases of goods and / or services, including external consultancy, on behalf of the Company, must act in compliance with the principles of fairness, affordability, quality and lawfulness.
4.3 The sponsorship activities carried out by the Company must be destined in favor of organizations and / or organizations of reliable reliability and ethics, which provide adequate guarantees regarding the correct destination of the sums paid out.
Conflict of interest
Article 5
5.1 The Addressees pursue, in carrying out their activities and / or duties, the objectives and general interests of Corex, in compliance with current legislation and this Code.
5.2 Recipients are required to avoid any activity or situation of personal interest that constitutes or could constitute a conflict between individual interests and those of the Company. In particular, it is prohibited to engage in behavior oriented to the exploitation of privileged information held by persons belonging to the Company for reasons connected with the performance of their corporate functions and duties.
5.3 The Recipients do not use for personal purposes goods and equipment that they have in the performance of their duties or duties.
5.4 Corex employees must refrain from carrying out activities in competition with those of the latter, respect company rules and comply with the precepts of this Code, whose observance is also required pursuant to and for the purposes of art. 2104 of the civil code.
The confidentiality of company information and the obligation of confidentiality
Article 6
6.1 Each, depending on their position within Corex can come - directly or indirectly - in possession of confidential information concerning the Company, its know-how, its activities, its products, such as, for example: strategies ; research and development activities; industrial processes and data; technical, production, commercial and marketing data; promotional or sales activities; operating financial results; information on salaries and staff.
6.2 The information represents, therefore, a strategic component of the company assets and, as such, must be protected and managed with the necessary caution proportional to their importance. Therefore, every employee is required to: • refrain from disclosing to the outside any information concerning Corex that is not in the public domain, at any time, both during and after the termination of the employment relationship;
• refrain from disclosing to the outside any information concerning Corex that is not in the public domain, at any time, both during and after the termination of the employment relationship;
• always take all the necessary precautions to prevent the disclosure of confidential information: this also means ensuring that you do not leave this information in sight in your work area or where anyone may have access to it and remove it improperly;
• treat confidential matters with the utmost discretion, in particular in public or even in the workplace, if in the presence of unauthorized personnel to access such information;
The protection of personal data
Article 7
7.1 In the modern information and computerization society, the need to adequately protect personal data in accordance with precise rules in order to protect the privacy (so-called "privacy") of individuals and organizations in which they operate is ever more pressing. . In recent years, in particular, all data processing hypotheses have been detailed (collection, registration, organization, preservation, processing, modification, selection, extraction, comparison, use, interconnection, blocking, communication, dissemination, cancellation and destruction of data), also carried out with the help of electronic means (data banks). This is to prevent an arbitrary, indiscriminate and improper use of personal information.
7.2 It is the general policy of Corex to scrupulously respect the rules on privacy, since the processing of personal data is instrumental to the performance of the business.
7.3 In particular, appropriate security measures are prepared and maintained throughout the company organization and must be observed by each employee or collaborator, in order to obtain the most effective protection of personal data processed, especially in those areas or functions called to carry out operations involving the processing of a particular category of personal data, that is, of the so-called "sensitive" data (relating, for example, to racial and ethnic origin, to religious and political beliefs, to health and sexual preferences).
7.4 Not all personal data can be classified as sensitive data; the treatment of the latter must be carried out according to criteria of particular attention.
Business relations and relationships
Article 8
In carrying out business relations, the Company is inspired by the principles of legality, correctness, transparency and efficiency. Employees and Collaborators, whose actions may in some way be referred to the Company itself, must follow correct behaviors in the affairs of interest of the Company and, in particular, in relations with the Public Administration, refraining from putting in place, legitimizing, accepting or encourage behavior that does not strictly conform to the principles of correctness, diligence and loyalty.
Relations with customers
Article 9
9.1 The Company pursues its business success on the markets through the offer of quality products and services at competitive conditions and in compliance with the rules for the protection of fair competition.
9.2 The Company recognizes that the appreciation of those who request products or services is of primary importance for their business success. Corex therefore commits itself to:
• provide, with efficiency and courtesy, within the limits of contractual provisions, high quality products that meet the reasonable expectations of the customer;
• provide accurate and comprehensive information about the products and services so that the customer can make informed decisions;
• stick to the truth in advertising or other communications.
Relations with suppliers
Article 10
10.1 The selection of suppliers and the determination of purchase conditions are based on an objective assessment of the quality and price of the good or service, as well as guarantees of assistance and timeliness. In the supply relationships Corex commits itself to:
• obtain the collaboration of suppliers in constantly ensuring the satisfaction of the needs of Corex customers in terms of quality, cost and delivery times at least equal to their expectations;
• maintain a frank and open dialogue with suppliers, in line with good commercial practices.
10.2 In relations with suppliers, representatives of the Company must behave in such a way as to make evident the attention paid to ethical principles. In particular, no one can give or accept gifts or favors which, by reason of their nature, characteristics or circumstances, may give rise to doubts about the impartiality of the receiving party or influence its work. In addition, situations, even if only potential or apparent, of conflicts of interest between Corex personnel and external suppliers must be avoided.
Relations with institutions
Article 11
11.1 The relationships of Corex and the Recipients towards local, national, Community and international public institutions ("Institutions"), as well as towards public officials or public service officers, are kept in compliance with current legislation and on the basis of the principles general principles of correctness and loyalty.
11.2 Recipients who act on behalf of the Company itself in relations with the Italian or foreign Public Administration, conform their conduct to criteria of transparency and loyalty.
Health, safety and environment
Environment protection
Article 12
12.1 As part of its activities, Corex is inspired by the principle of environmental protection and pursues the objective of protecting the health and safety of the Recipients. Corex activities must be managed in full compliance with the current regulations on prevention and protection.
12.2 Research and technological innovation must be dedicated in particular to the creation and promotion of products and processes that are increasingly compatible with the environment and characterized by an increasing focus on the safety and health of the recipients. This is why in the name of greater sustainability, Corex has adopted completely green packaging.
Health and safety at work
Article 13
13.1 Corex promotes the culture of health and safety in the workplace, confirming the utmost commitment to ensuring this culture in its structures. Corex, considering personnel and human resources as the most important corporate assets, is committed to creating and maintaining safe working environments and workplaces for each employee.
13.2 In strict compliance with the current accident prevention legislation, both national and Community, Corex works to prevent accidents and occupational diseases, adopting systems for safety management focused on prevention. Corex also promotes the development and application of emergency plans for the scrupulous management of any risks.
13.3 By monitoring all aspects of the company's work activities, Corex works so that the machines, processes, systems and working practices are constantly improved in order to optimize the safety and accident prevention performances. Culture of health and safety are of fundamental priority.
Internal Policies
Use of IT, telematic and social networks tools
Article 14
14.1 The use of new technologies as work tools implies, on the one hand, a facilitation of daily activities and, on the other, the emergence of significant risks, even of a legal nature (eg loss of confidential information). The use of such instruments can not be an occasion or prerequisite for carrying out illicit activities or for avoiding the application of mandatory legal provisions.
14.2 First of all, it should be emphasized that the instruments made available by the Company to workers (computers, software, applications, mobile phones or landlines), as corporate assets, must be used for the performance of their duties and, in any case, exclusively for purposes permitted by the Company.
14.3 The use of the Internet and of the tools made available on the Net (social networks) also represents an opportunity to make the Company, its activities, the products and services offered even more visible, but - on the other hand - involves the need to manage any initiative with the highest attention and in full compliance with the laws, procedures and company regulations in force.
14.4 The use of these tools in the workplace must be related to the performance of their work activities and can not become a means of personal promotion and / or tool to expose the Company to any type of risk.
Use of the personal telephone
Article 15
15.1 The use of personal mobile phones during working hours is not normally permitted. It will be tolerated, exclusively for emergency, in cases of malfunctioning of the internal telephone systems of the company. The business telephone entrusted to the user is a work tool. It is allowed to use it exclusively for the carrying out of the work activity, therefore not allowing personal communications or in any case not strictly related to the work itself.
15.2 The receipt or making of personal calls is allowed only in the case of proven need and urgency. Any unavoidable personal needs must be previously authorized by the Management.
Labor and equal opportunities policies
Article 16
16.1 The Company offers all workers the same job opportunities so that everyone can enjoy fair treatment based on merit criteria. Likewise, the identification and selection of the personnel to be hired must take place by evaluating the specific skills, the professional profile and the technical and psycho-aptitude skills of the candidate meeting the needs and requirements of the company.
16.2 The Company provides for the ethical training of all company personnel in order to spread the principles and rules of conduct contained in this code and useful for the prevention of possible crimes, also ensuring a continuous updating and adequate and constant information.
Misbehavior at the workplace
Article 17
Corex requires that no harassment is given in internal and external work relationships, meaning:
• creating an intimidating, hostile or secluded work environment for individuals or groups of workers:
• unjustified interference with the performance of other people's work services;
• the obstacle to other people's job prospects for mere reasons of personal competitiveness.
Abuse of alcohol or drugs
Article 18
Corex requires its Recipients to help maintain a work environment that respects the sensitivity of others. It will therefore be considered a conscious assumption of the risk of prejudice to these environmental characteristics, during work and in the workplace:
• provide service under the effects of the abuse of alcohol, drugs or substances of similar effect;
Smoking Article 19 Without prejudice to the general prohibition of smoking in all workplaces, according to the specific policy adopted by the Company in this regard, except for those premises expressly intended, Corex will take into particular consideration the condition of those who feel physical discomfort in the presence of smoke and ask to be preserved from the contact with the so-called "passive smoke".
Accounting control and transparency
Article 20
The Company condemns any conduct, by anyone established, aimed at altering the clarity, correctness and veracity of the data and information contained in the financial statements, reports or other corporate communications required by law, direct to shareholders, the public and the company responsible for auditing. All the subjects called to the formation of the aforesaid deeds are obliged to verify, with due diligence, the correctness of the data and information that will be implemented for the preparation of the aforementioned deeds.
All financial statement items, whose determination and quantification presupposes discretionary assessments of the functions / departments in charge, must be supported by suitable documentation and by legitimate, shared and at all times sustainable choices.
Implementing provisions Article 21 This Code must be brought to the attention of the Company's Employees, Consultants and Collaborators and of all colors that can act on behalf of the Company. This Code is published in the company network. All the aforementioned subjects are required to learn its contents and to respect its rules.
Reporting Code Violations and Disciplinary
Article 22
22.1 Any violations of laws, Codes of Ethics and Conduct, policies, codes, standards and corporate procedures may be reported by employees, to their Head of Hierarchy, Resources, to the Legal Department, to email address:
22.2 Anyone knowingly making false statements about another person could commit a criminal offense. The Company does not accept any kind of attempts to prevent employees from reporting violations of laws or regulations, and will not use any form of discrimination or other to employees who do so. For reports of violations or enforcement of the rules and penalties Corex undertakes to provide its personnel with the information and training necessary to help it avoid situations that could violate the laws, the Code of Conduct or company policies. In case of doubt, however, employees can turn to the above mentioned functions.
Sanctions Provisions Article 23 Compliance with the Code must be considered an essential part of the contractual obligations assumed by the Collaborators and / or by subjects having business relations with the company. The violation of the rules of the Code may be considered a breach of contractual obligations, with all legal consequences, also with regard to the termination of the contract and / or appointment and may result in compensation for damages deriving from it.
Vigilance and Revision This Code is in force from the date of approval by the Board of Directors with Resolution of 20th September 2018. The Code is periodically subject to revisions and updates in accordance with national laws in force.
Ethical code of Corex S.p.A.
Since its inception, Corex has been committed to founding its business on strong human values and solid principles.
This Code expresses the company's ethical commitments and responsibilities in the context of its activities with customers and within the company's internal activities with regard to its Employees and Collaborators. The commitments and ethical responsibilities of Corex through this Code are aimed at creating satisfaction for its customers and professional growth for Employees and Collaborators.
In carrying out its activities, Corex acts in compliance with the principles of freedom, dignity of the human person and respect for diversity, repudiates any discrimination based on sex, race, language, personal and social conditions, religious and political beliefs . Corex intends to build its growth by consolidating a faithful image to values of fairness and loyalty, in every process of daily work.
To this end, Corex favors a work environment that, inspired by respect, fairness and collaboration, allows the involvement and empowerment of Employees and Collaborators, with regard to the specific objectives to be achieved and the means to pursue them.
The present Code of Ethics has therefore been set up with the aim of clearly defining the set of values that Corex recognizes, accepts and shares.
General Provisions
Scope of application and Recipients
Article 1
1.1 The principles and provisions of this Code of Ethics (hereinafter the "Code") are specifications of the general obligations of diligence, correctness and loyalty, which qualify the performance of work performance and behavior in the workplace.
1.2 The principles and provisions of the Code are binding for Corex administrators, employees and collaborators. The Directors, Employees and Collaborators are hereinafter referred to jointly as "Recipients".
1.3 The Code will be brought to the attention of third parties who receive assignments from Corex or who have stable or temporary relations with it.
Information and dissemination
Article 2
2.1 The Company carries out its business with honesty and integrity and in compliance with the ethical and moral principles contained in this Code. The Recipients must therefore comply with the principles of behavior of this Code.
2.2 Corex shall inform all Recipients of the provisions and application of the Code, recommending their observance. In particular, it provides:
the dissemination of the Code to the Recipients; updating the provisions of the Code with regard to the needs that may be expressed from time to time.
Internal communication
Article 3
3.1 It is Corex's policy to promote the circulation of information and the creation of interpersonal communication processes in the company. The communications that the Company intends to develop internally must be understood as communications "from" management but also "to" management, as well as "between" functions and businesses.
3.2 The task of favoring and developing communication flows is therefore entrusted to the responsibility of each collaborator, according to the specific skills and role held in the company, and particularly to the company management.
Article 4
4.1 Every operation and / or transaction, understood in the broadest sense of the term, must be legitimate, authorized, coherent, congruous, documented, recorded and verifiable at any time.
4.2 Employees and entities that make purchases of goods and / or services, including external consultancy, on behalf of the Company, must act in compliance with the principles of fairness, affordability, quality and lawfulness.
4.3 The sponsorship activities carried out by the Company must be destined in favor of organizations and / or organizations of reliable reliability and ethics, which provide adequate guarantees regarding the correct destination of the sums paid out.
Conflict of interest
Article 5
5.1 The Addressees pursue, in carrying out their activities and / or duties, the objectives and general interests of Corex, in compliance with current legislation and this Code.
5.2 Recipients are required to avoid any activity or situation of personal interest that constitutes or could constitute a conflict between individual interests and those of the Company. In particular, it is prohibited to engage in behavior oriented to the exploitation of privileged information held by persons belonging to the Company for reasons connected with the performance of their corporate functions and duties.
5.3 The Recipients do not use for personal purposes goods and equipment that they have in the performance of their duties or duties.
5.4 Corex employees must refrain from carrying out activities in competition with those of the latter, respect company rules and comply with the precepts of this Code, whose observance is also required pursuant to and for the purposes of art. 2104 of the civil code.
The confidentiality of company information and the obligation of confidentiality
Article 6
6.1 Each, depending on their position within Corex can come - directly or indirectly - in possession of confidential information concerning the Company, its know-how, its activities, its products, such as, for example: strategies ; research and development activities; industrial processes and data; technical, production, commercial and marketing data; promotional or sales activities; operating financial results; information on salaries and staff.
6.2 The information represents, therefore, a strategic component of the company assets and, as such, must be protected and managed with the necessary caution proportional to their importance. Therefore, every employee is required to: • refrain from disclosing to the outside any information concerning Corex that is not in the public domain, at any time, both during and after the termination of the employment relationship;
• refrain from disclosing to the outside any information concerning Corex that is not in the public domain, at any time, both during and after the termination of the employment relationship;
• always take all the necessary precautions to prevent the disclosure of confidential information: this also means ensuring that you do not leave this information in sight in your work area or where anyone may have access to it and remove it improperly;
• treat confidential matters with the utmost discretion, in particular in public or even in the workplace, if in the presence of unauthorized personnel to access such information;
The protection of personal data
Article 7
7.1 In the modern information and computerization society, the need to adequately protect personal data in accordance with precise rules in order to protect the privacy (so-called "privacy") of individuals and organizations in which they operate is ever more pressing. . In recent years, in particular, all data processing hypotheses have been detailed (collection, registration, organization, preservation, processing, modification, selection, extraction, comparison, use, interconnection, blocking, communication, dissemination, cancellation and destruction of data), also carried out with the help of electronic means (data banks). This is to prevent an arbitrary, indiscriminate and improper use of personal information.
7.2 It is the general policy of Corex to scrupulously respect the rules on privacy, since the processing of personal data is instrumental to the performance of the business.
7.3 In particular, appropriate security measures are prepared and maintained throughout the company organization and must be observed by each employee or collaborator, in order to obtain the most effective protection of personal data processed, especially in those areas or functions called to carry out operations involving the processing of a particular category of personal data, that is, of the so-called "sensitive" data (relating, for example, to racial and ethnic origin, to religious and political beliefs, to health and sexual preferences).
7.4 Not all personal data can be classified as sensitive data; the treatment of the latter must be carried out according to criteria of particular attention.
Business relations and relationships
Article 8
In carrying out business relations, the Company is inspired by the principles of legality, correctness, transparency and efficiency. Employees and Collaborators, whose actions may in some way be referred to the Company itself, must follow correct behaviors in the affairs of interest of the Company and, in particular, in relations with the Public Administration, refraining from putting in place, legitimizing, accepting or encourage behavior that does not strictly conform to the principles of correctness, diligence and loyalty.
Relations with customers
Article 9
9.1 The Company pursues its business success on the markets through the offer of quality products and services at competitive conditions and in compliance with the rules for the protection of fair competition.
9.2 The Company recognizes that the appreciation of those who request products or services is of primary importance for their business success. Corex therefore commits itself to:
• provide, with efficiency and courtesy, within the limits of contractual provisions, high quality products that meet the reasonable expectations of the customer;
• provide accurate and comprehensive information about the products and services so that the customer can make informed decisions;
• stick to the truth in advertising or other communications.
Relations with suppliers
Article 10
10.1 The selection of suppliers and the determination of purchase conditions are based on an objective assessment of the quality and price of the good or service, as well as guarantees of assistance and timeliness. In the supply relationships Corex commits itself to:
• obtain the collaboration of suppliers in constantly ensuring the satisfaction of the needs of Corex customers in terms of quality, cost and delivery times at least equal to their expectations;
• maintain a frank and open dialogue with suppliers, in line with good commercial practices.
10.2 In relations with suppliers, representatives of the Company must behave in such a way as to make evident the attention paid to ethical principles. In particular, no one can give or accept gifts or favors which, by reason of their nature, characteristics or circumstances, may give rise to doubts about the impartiality of the receiving party or influence its work. In addition, situations, even if only potential or apparent, of conflicts of interest between Corex personnel and external suppliers must be avoided.
Relations with institutions
Article 11
11.1 The relationships of Corex and the Recipients towards local, national, Community and international public institutions ("Institutions"), as well as towards public officials or public service officers, are kept in compliance with current legislation and on the basis of the principles general principles of correctness and loyalty.
11.2 Recipients who act on behalf of the Company itself in relations with the Italian or foreign Public Administration, conform their conduct to criteria of transparency and loyalty.
Health, safety and environment
Environment protection
Article 12
12.1 As part of its activities, Corex is inspired by the principle of environmental protection and pursues the objective of protecting the health and safety of the Recipients. Corex activities must be managed in full compliance with the current regulations on prevention and protection.
12.2 Research and technological innovation must be dedicated in particular to the creation and promotion of products and processes that are increasingly compatible with the environment and characterized by an increasing focus on the safety and health of the recipients. This is why in the name of greater sustainability, Corex has adopted completely green packaging.
Health and safety at work
Article 13
13.1 Corex promotes the culture of health and safety in the workplace, confirming the utmost commitment to ensuring this culture in its structures. Corex, considering personnel and human resources as the most important corporate assets, is committed to creating and maintaining safe working environments and workplaces for each employee.
13.2 In strict compliance with the current accident prevention legislation, both national and Community, Corex works to prevent accidents and occupational diseases, adopting systems for safety management focused on prevention. Corex also promotes the development and application of emergency plans for the scrupulous management of any risks.
13.3 By monitoring all aspects of the company's work activities, Corex works so that the machines, processes, systems and working practices are constantly improved in order to optimize the safety and accident prevention performances. Culture of health and safety are of fundamental priority.
Internal Policies
Use of IT, telematic and social networks tools
Article 14
14.1 The use of new technologies as work tools implies, on the one hand, a facilitation of daily activities and, on the other, the emergence of significant risks, even of a legal nature (eg loss of confidential information). The use of such instruments can not be an occasion or prerequisite for carrying out illicit activities or for avoiding the application of mandatory legal provisions.
14.2 First of all, it should be emphasized that the instruments made available by the Company to workers (computers, software, applications, mobile phones or landlines), as corporate assets, must be used for the performance of their duties and, in any case, exclusively for purposes permitted by the Company.
14.3 The use of the Internet and of the tools made available on the Net (social networks) also represents an opportunity to make the Company, its activities, the products and services offered even more visible, but - on the other hand - involves the need to manage any initiative with the highest attention and in full compliance with the laws, procedures and company regulations in force.
14.4 The use of these tools in the workplace must be related to the performance of their work activities and can not become a means of personal promotion and / or tool to expose the Company to any type of risk.
Use of the personal telephone
Article 15
15.1 The use of personal mobile phones during working hours is not normally permitted. It will be tolerated, exclusively for emergency, in cases of malfunctioning of the internal telephone systems of the company. The business telephone entrusted to the user is a work tool. It is allowed to use it exclusively for the carrying out of the work activity, therefore not allowing personal communications or in any case not strictly related to the work itself.
15.2 The receipt or making of personal calls is allowed only in the case of proven need and urgency. Any unavoidable personal needs must be previously authorized by the Management.
Labor and equal opportunities policies
Article 16
16.1 The Company offers all workers the same job opportunities so that everyone can enjoy fair treatment based on merit criteria. Likewise, the identification and selection of the personnel to be hired must take place by evaluating the specific skills, the professional profile and the technical and psycho-aptitude skills of the candidate meeting the needs and requirements of the company.
16.2 The Company provides for the ethical training of all company personnel in order to spread the principles and rules of conduct contained in this code and useful for the prevention of possible crimes, also ensuring a continuous updating and adequate and constant information.
Misbehavior at the workplace
Article 17
Corex requires that no harassment is given in internal and external work relationships, meaning:
• creating an intimidating, hostile or secluded work environment for individuals or groups of workers:
• unjustified interference with the performance of other people's work services;
• the obstacle to other people's job prospects for mere reasons of personal competitiveness.
Abuse of alcohol or drugs
Article 18
Corex requires its Recipients to help maintain a work environment that respects the sensitivity of others. It will therefore be considered a conscious assumption of the risk of prejudice to these environmental characteristics, during work and in the workplace:
• provide service under the effects of the abuse of alcohol, drugs or substances of similar effect;
Smoking Article 19 Without prejudice to the general prohibition of smoking in all workplaces, according to the specific policy adopted by the Company in this regard, except for those premises expressly intended, Corex will take into particular consideration the condition of those who feel physical discomfort in the presence of smoke and ask to be preserved from the contact with the so-called "passive smoke".
Accounting control and transparency
Article 20
The Company condemns any conduct, by anyone established, aimed at altering the clarity, correctness and veracity of the data and information contained in the financial statements, reports or other corporate communications required by law, direct to shareholders, the public and the company responsible for auditing. All the subjects called to the formation of the aforesaid deeds are obliged to verify, with due diligence, the correctness of the data and information that will be implemented for the preparation of the aforementioned deeds.
All financial statement items, whose determination and quantification presupposes discretionary assessments of the functions / departments in charge, must be supported by suitable documentation and by legitimate, shared and at all times sustainable choices.
Implementing provisions Article 21 This Code must be brought to the attention of the Company's Employees, Consultants and Collaborators and of all colors that can act on behalf of the Company. This Code is published in the company network. All the aforementioned subjects are required to learn its contents and to respect its rules.
Reporting Code Violations and Disciplinary
Article 22
22.1 Any violations of laws, Codes of Ethics and Conduct, policies, codes, standards and corporate procedures may be reported by employees, to their Head of Hierarchy, Resources, to the Legal Department, to email address:
22.2 Anyone knowingly making false statements about another person could commit a criminal offense. The Company does not accept any kind of attempts to prevent employees from reporting violations of laws or regulations, and will not use any form of discrimination or other to employees who do so. For reports of violations or enforcement of the rules and penalties Corex undertakes to provide its personnel with the information and training necessary to help it avoid situations that could violate the laws, the Code of Conduct or company policies. In case of doubt, however, employees can turn to the above mentioned functions.
Sanctions Provisions Article 23 Compliance with the Code must be considered an essential part of the contractual obligations assumed by the Collaborators and / or by subjects having business relations with the company. The violation of the rules of the Code may be considered a breach of contractual obligations, with all legal consequences, also with regard to the termination of the contract and / or appointment and may result in compensation for damages deriving from it.
Vigilance and Revision This Code is in force from the date of approval by the Board of Directors with Resolution of 20th September 2018. The Code is periodically subject to revisions and updates in accordance with national laws in force.
Italian food
is our passion
Corex means passion for the territory, respect, commitment, sustainabilty and most of all, genuine people.
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